Realtek Participating in India's Largest Exhibition Workshop for the First Time to Enhance the Visibility of IoT and Bluetooth Products

2022/3/9 15:56:58


With 30 years of experience, Convergence India Expo is India's largest electronics and communications technology exhibition for IT professionals, manufacturers and the communications multimedia industry. This Realtek's first time participating in the Convergence India workshop project, using a live online introduction of IoT and Bluetooth products. The rich experience and innovative technology of Realtek in the field of IoT smart home and Bluetooth wearable devices.


Event Time:3/23(Wed) 1:30PM(GMT+8)

Event link:Click to register

Please feel welcome to register and explore an unlimited market and business opportunities together!



The theme of the workshop is 'Application Trends of IoT and Bluetooth MCUs in Smart Home and Wearable Markets'.IoT product line is the first to introduce Ameba's full range of products, focusing on smart home trends and integration advantages, including Ameba Smart voice control application and the world's smallest Wi-Fi 2.4GHz/5GHz SoC - RTL8720DF.

In recent years, Realtek has promoted its demo boards to the maker market. Ameba SDK will introduce AIOT Tensorflow design and development board applications.

The Bluetooth product line will be introduced for the full WorkBee, HoneyBee and BumbleBee product lines. BLE SoC has many applications, including voice remote control, game handle, smart door lock, logistics and transportation, health care, Bluetooth keys and the most popular smart speaker mesh network in recent years. This session features the most popular smart wearable devices in the Indian market, sharing the development trends and success stories of the smart wearable market.